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Version: v7


Used to configure websites and servers.


Listeners are used for collecting set of websites and servers appropriately that it can help to reduce response time, increase throughput, optimize resource use and overload of any single resource.


How to Use:

  1. Log into the Haltdos WAF Professional edition web UI console.
  2. Then go to Listeners
  3. Click on Add Listener button.
  4. Configure your settings.
  5. Click Save.



Domain/ Virtual IP

This field specifies the fully qualified name of the website for protection. Ensure to keep it empty while adding the root domain. Listener with a specific domain name can be respectively configured for protection.

Accepted values: Website Name

Default: Blank

This field allows the user to adapt the configurations of an existing listener to the newly created listener with a different sub-domain. It clones the same configuration in the new listener.

Accepted values: Listeners

Default: None
Service Type

This field specifies the type of service for the subdomain i.e. HTTP.

Accepted values: HTTP

Default: HTTP
Origin Servers

This field specifies the IP and listening port of the backend server on which load balancing will occur. There can be multiple IP and listening port combinations.

Accepted values: Server IPs with listening port(Ex.

Default: Blank

Following configurations can be managed by clicking on the newly added listener name.