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Version: v7



Alarms in Haltdos Platform is a mechanism for raising alerts to the configured users based on set threshold breaches. An alarm when trigerred will generate an event that is notified by SMTP or API or both depending upon set configuration.


How to Use:

  1. Go to Stack > Alarms
  2. Configure your settings
  3. Click Save Changes
Alarm NameA unique user friendly nameSTRINGEMPTY
Resource FilterSelect the resource : Listener, Network, App as desiredList of configured resourcesEMPTY
Alarm OnMetric to evaluate the alarmMetric KeyEMPTY
Alarm TypeSelect the type of AlarmTHRESHOLD / ANOMALYTHRESHOLD
ThresholdSpecify your conditional thresholdGreater Than, Less Than or Equals toGreater Than
Consecutive ThresholdSpecify the number of times the threshold is breached before raising alertINTEGEREMPTY
Resource FilterSelect the resource : Listener, Network, App as desiredList of configured resourcesEMPTY
Enabled ReportingUser want to report the alarm when it is triggered on configured mailBooleanDisable

Haltdos uses anomaly based alarms to generate alerts using machine learning and uses simple limit based validations for Threshold based alarms. Depending upon use case, the desired alarms can be created for managing network, zones and individual applications.