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Version: v8

Header Rules


We have introduced Header rules by which application owners can manipulate request headers, cookies, and arguments in request as well as response headers. Users can create/update header rules at run time with on-the-fly updates. It has the functionality to add/remove/update any cookie/header/arguments in the request to the web-server(back-end) as well as respond to the client.

header rules

How to Use:

  1. Log onto the Haltdos Community WAF portal.
  2. Go to WAF > Rules > Header Rules.
  3. Click on Add Rule and set relevant parameters described below.
  4. Click on Save Changes


Rule Name

Specify a rule name to identify the rule which is to be created. The rule name takes alpha-numeric input.


Specify a rule message containing a detailed description to identify the rule which is to be created.

Rule Priority

User can define the rule's priority among various other custom error rules.


Specify the URI or regex for which rule will be applied.

HTTP Method

Select the HTTP method for the rule to validate when matched with the request.

Rule Action

The rule action determines what action (add/remove/overwrite) the rule will perform. The accepted values are:

1) ADD: This condition will allow adding a value at the specified location.

2) REMOVE: This condition will allow removing a value at the specified location.

3) OVERWRITE: This condition will allow overwriting a value at the specified location.

If the action is ADD then another field is required I.e., Value that will be added for the specified Parameter.

If the action is REMOVE, then the specified parameter is removed.

If the action is OVERWRITE, then two other fields are required first is Search Pattern (string/regex that should match the existing value) and Replace (the string that should be overwritten). We can capture string from the PCRE capturing group using position with a prefix of '$'.

Note: In order to escape the dollar($) character in the replace, add the dollar symbol twice.

Evaluation Phase

Select the evaluation phase for the rule i.e. Request or Response.

Attribute Name

Specify the attribute name which need to add/delete/overwrite with rule.

Attribute Value

Specify the attribute value which will be mentioned in the attribute.


This field specifies the name of the header/cookie/ arguments on which action will be performed.

Add Condition

The user can specify some request/response-based conditions which can be used as mandatory conditions to be fulfilled to apply the rule.

header rules

For adding a condition, the required fields are:

Condition Phase

This field determines that the condition will be checked on request/response parameters.

Find Location

This field determines whether the condition should be checked on headers/cookies/arguments. The accepted values are:

URL: Select this if the specified value has to be searched in the URL part of the HTTP Header.

HTTP Scheme: Select this if the specified value has to be searched in the

Country: Select if specified value has to be search as source country.

Header Name: Select this if the specified name has to be searched in the Headers part of the HTTP Header variables.

Header Value: Select this if the specified value has to be searched in the Headers part of the HTTP Header values.

Headers: Select this if the specified value has to be searched in the Headers part of the HTTP Header.

Cookie Name: Select this if the specified name has to be searched in the Headers part of the HTTP Header cookie variables.

Cookie Value: Select this if the specified value has to be searched in the Headers part of the HTTP Header cookie values.

Cookies: Select this if the specified value has to be searched in the Headers part of the HTTP Header cookies.

Body Argument Name: Select this if the specified name has to be searched in the variables in the Body part of the HTTP Header.

Body Argument Value: Select this if the specified value has to be searched in the values in the Body part of the HTTP Header.

Body: Select this if the specified value has to be searched in the Body part of the HTTP Header.

Argument Name: Select this if the specified name has to be searched in the variables in the Arguments section in the HTTP Header.

Argument Value: Select this if the specified value has to be searched in the variables in the Arguments section in the HTTP Header.

Arguments: Select this if the specified value has to be searched in the Arguments section in the HTTP Header.

Variable: Users can select the specific variable that has to be find.

SRC IP: Select if specified value has to be search as source IP.

Client Browser: Select if specified value has to be search as client browser.

Client OS: Select if specified value has to be search as client OS.

Client Device: Select if specified value has to be search as client device.


This field specifies the name of the header/cookie/ arguments on which condition will be validated. Search Pattern: This field specifies the pattern that will be matched against the header/cookie/ argument value to satisfy the condition.

Match Condition

The user can define the match condition for the parameter and match value.

Match Value

The user can define what value needs to be matched with the match condition.